Multiplayer eSports Battle Games

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is Entering the World of eSports

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) is a multiplayer online battle royale video game that is new to the world of eSports. ESL, the world’s largest esports company, also recently announced that it would be partnering with PUBG developer and publisher Bluehole to bring the title to the world’s largest video games and gaming convention, Gamescom.

What will set PUBG apart in the world of eSports is the fact that its gameplay calls for unique event structuring. As Bluehole vice president Dr. Chang Han Kim says: "If you look at professional eSports, it’s usually one team vs. the other. But this is different. We need 100 players."

As the best-selling game of 2017, PUBG has been singled out as an up-and-coming eSport. This will only be amplified by the fact that it is set to be ported to Xbox One where and prominently featured in a marketing campaign from Microsoft.
Trend Themes
1. Multiplayer Battle Royale Games - Developing and promoting eSports based on games with unique gameplay event structuring may attract more players and fans alike.
2. Cross-platform Gaming - Increasing accessibility through cross-platform promotion can introduce different markets and demographics to new games and eSport opportunities.
3. Non-traditional Esports Events - Exploring non-traditional event formats in eSports can attract attention from wider audiences while providing unique experiences for players.
Industry Implications
1. Video Game Development - Leaning towards developing games with potential for eSports can create new revenue streams and build a more loyal player base.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Targeting different markets and demographics through cross-platform promotion can increase brand awareness and customer engagement.
3. Event Management - Hosting and promoting non-traditional eSports events can advance the industry and provide new revenue streams for the events management industry.

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