PET Plastic Cans

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The 'Invento PET Can' Has Plastic Sides Instead of Metal

As an alternative to cans with a full metal body, Invento uses a plastic can that can easily be labeled to hold a variety of different beverage products. For easy opening, the packaging solution retains a metal bottom and opening system for easy access.

In order to show the potential that this product has to revolutionize the packaging market in Europe and eventually, across the globe, Creogram was tasked with creating a series of label designs for Invento. Mock-ups include canned coffee, energy drinks and fruit beverages that take on an entirely new look thanks to the transparent, durable and ecological body of the PET plastic cans.

One of the biggest advantages to using PET plastic as a packaging material is that it can be recycled to reduce the amount of waste that needlessly ends up in landfills.
Trend Themes
1. Plastic Packaging - Invento PET Can presents an innovative packaging solution with plastic sides instead of metal which ensures a transparent, durable and ecological body.
2. Recyclable Materials - The Invento PET Can provides a recyclable packaging material, PET plastic, for easy and sustainable recycling and, reusing options.
3. Beverage Packaging - Invento PET Can provides a versatile beverage packaging solution made with PET plastic sides, benefiting the ecosystem with decreased waste.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - Invento PET Can offers an innovative sustainable beverage packaging solution with a transparent, durable and ecological body, which can potentially disrupt the beverage industry.
2. Packaging Industry - Invento PET Can presents an ecological packaging solution made of PET plastic sides, which can disrupt the packaging industry due to its recyclable material and easy-to-label design.
3. Recycling Industry - The Invento PET Can presents recyclable PET plastic as an ecological packaging solution reducing the waste that can potentially disrupt the recycling industry.

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