Flora Light Filters

The Plant Window Blocks Sunlight and Makes At-Home Gardening Easier

Getting folks to begin gardening would be a lot easier if every home came equipped with a Plant Window. The Plant Window (designed to look more like a wall) is a series of planters arranged in a purposefully haphazard way to filter light while adding a touch of green to a room.

Getting people to garden indoors can be a tough sell. Plants require attention and can make big messes if accidentally knocked over. The Plant Window would make it easier to monitor house plants by putting them in one central location and making that location too big to forget about. It would also prevent plants from being knocked over by careless pets or children by mounting them in a safe and protected place.
Trend Themes
1. Indoor Gardening - Technology that makes indoor gardening easier will disrupt the home decor industry.
2. Vertical Garden - Vertical gardens like the Plant Window will transform the way people think about interior decor and landscaping.
3. Smart Planters - Smart planters that provide individualized care feedback and take care of the plants automatically will transform the home decor and gardening industries.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - New indoor gardening technology will disrupt the home decor industry by creating a new category of decorative items and interior landscaping opportunities.
2. Gardening - Vertical gardens and smart planters will transform the gardening industry by offering new ways to cultivate plants and monitor their growth and health.
3. Smart Home - Smart planters that can be integrated with the smart home systems will open new opportunities in the home automation industry to create holistic ecosystems.

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