Undersea Pharmacies

'Pharmacy' by IDEA Gives an Atlantis Touch to Clinical Interiors

I'm loving this design for a pharmacy by IDEA. These prescription-filling places are typically devoid of design, but the modern touches and space-age lighting give this interior a decidedly sci-fi feel.

Check out more images of this design for a pharmacy by IDEA above, and keep clicking for more otherworldly interiors. Who says pharmacies have to be swathed in fluorescent lighting and pharmaceutical ads?

Implications - The common trope that hospitals and pharmacies give off a bad aura is a popular one that keeps some people away from both. The sterile atmosphere and clinical lighting found in both environments weigh heavily on these emotions. Hospitals and/or pharmacies that redesign their architecture have a great opportunity to benefit from providing consumers with a more welcoming environment from people dealing with health issues.
Trend Themes
1. Space-age Pharmacies - The innovative design of IDEA's pharmacy can inspire the creation of other pharmacies with modern touches and space-age lighting.
2. Design-driven Healthcare - The redesign of hospitals and pharmacies can revolutionize the healthcare industry by providing consumers with a more welcoming environment.
3. Otherworldly Interiors - Other industries, such as retail and hospitality, can take inspiration from the modern design concepts of IDEA's pharmacy to create unique and futuristic interiors.
Industry Implications
1. Pharmaceuticals - Pharmaceutical companies can collaborate with designers and architects to create innovative and welcoming spaces for consumers.
2. Healthcare - Hospitals and clinics can redesign their interiors to create a more welcoming and less sterile environment for patients and visitors.
3. Retail - Retail businesses can take inspiration from the modern design concepts of IDEA's pharmacy to create unique and futuristic interiors that attract customers.

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