Old World Pharmacy Branding

Rumeli70 is a New Pharmacy Located in the Busy Heart of Istanbul

Designed by Istanbul-based graphic designer Ipek Eris, this example of pharmacy branding uses the bold color scheme of Grecian blue and stark white to communicate an old world apothecary aesthetic. The branding scheme was created by Eris for Rumeli70, a burgeoning new pharmacy brand located in the heart of busy Istanbul.

Surrounded by some of Istanbul's busiest streets, Rumeli70 features a gold embossed logo that can be seen on the assortment of marketing material included in the design identity by Ipek Eris.

In order to design the branding scheme, Ipek Eris worked with architecture firm ID Istanbul, who designed the retail space, to create the feel of a warm and welcoming local pharmacy guided by the traditions of ancient Turkish apothecaries.
Trend Themes
1. Old-world Pharmacy Branding - There is an opportunity for graphic designers to provide branding services for independent pharmacies looking to differentiate themselves through an old world aesthetic.
2. Location-based Pharmacy Marketing - Increasingly pharmacies are exploring designs that support their local community aesthetic and culture while creating modern spaces.
3. Apothecary-inspired Pharmacy Design - Designers and architects can set themselves apart through reimagining pharmacy designs inspired by the look and feel of traditional apothecaries.
Industry Implications
1. Pharmaceutical Retail - Pharmacy brands looking to differentiate themselves in crowded urban marketplaces can do so by investing in location-specific branding design.
2. Retail Design - Independent pharmacies looking for a distinct visual identity can turn to graphic designers specializing in branding a physical retail space.
3. Interior Design - The desire for the traditional apothecary aesthetic in emerging pharmacy design indicates an opportunity for innovative interior design services that can provide clients with modern, yet warm and welcoming spaces.

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