Sports-Themed Pet Products

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The PetSmart Team USA Products Cheer on Athletes

The PetSmart Team USA products are a new series of fan items to help consumers gear up for the Summer Olympics in Paris by getting their furry friend in on the action.

The various products are available now from the brand online and in-store, and include products emblazoned with the American flag, the Team USA logo and more. The products range from toys to wearables for pets and will help fans to show off their fandom as we inch closer to the main events. The collection is priced at under $13 for toys with apparel priced under $20.

Senior Vice President of Merchandising and Chief Merchant James Elasky spoke on the PetSmart Team USA products saying, "PetSmart is thrilled and honored to be the pet retailer to offer Team USA items for pets. We know people are looking for ways to share the joy of their favorite activities with their pets. We'll do anything for pets, so we created this new Team USA collection to allow pets and pet parents to celebrate, create memories, and cheer on our Olympic and Paralympic athletes, together."
Trend Themes
1. Sports-themed Pet Wearables - Combining sports fandom with pet ownership, these specialty wearables allow pets to show team spirit alongside their owners.
2. Olympic-branded Pet Products - Pet products inspired by international events like the Olympics create a unique niche for showcasing patriotism through pet accessories.
3. Pet-toy Crossovers - Toys crafted specifically with sports themes foster engagement among pets and owners, leveraging popular sporting events.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Retail - The pet retail industry is tapping into sports events to target a market of pet owners who are also sports enthusiasts.
2. Sports Merchandise - Integrating pet products into the realm of sports merchandise offers new product lines and fan engagement avenues.
3. Event-themed Consumer Goods - The event-themed consumer goods industry expands by including pets in the celebration of global events, adding a new dimension for product diversity.

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