Romantic Adoption Apps

The AllPaws Pet Adoption App is Inspired by How Mobile Dating Works

This Tinder themed pet adoption app lets you swipe to find your perfect pet. With 217,922 animals to choose from, the AllPaws app helps you search for the right pet to adopt using your iPhone.

After dating app Tinder started featuring animal profiles, the animal adoption agency wanted to take things to the next level. In an effort to facilitate the nation-wide adoption of animals like dogs, cats, birds, horses, pigs, reptiles and sheep, AllPaws is trying to make the pet adoption process more like online or mobile dating. The pet adoption app allows users to search with filters such as breed, coat length, energy level, size and special needs. There are over 30 different customizable advanced search categories overall.
Trend Themes
1. Romantic Adoption Apps - The trend of using dating app features to facilitate pet adoption may inspire the development of more user-friendly adoption platforms.
2. Swipe-to-adopt - The trend of swiping left or right on potential pets can be applied to other industries for streamlined personalization.
3. Advanced Search Filters - The trend of customizable pet search filters can be useful for any industry that requires a personalized search experience.
Industry Implications
1. Pet Adoption - The pet adoption industry can adopt dating app features to make the adoption process more user-friendly and accessible.
2. Online Dating - The online dating industry can expand beyond romantic relationships to include other areas where personalized matches are important, such as job hunting.
3. E-commerce - The e-commerce industry can use advanced search filters to personalize the shopping experience and increase customer satisfaction.

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