With the rise of the Internet and the personal computer has come a new wave of anti-socialism adding clout to the once defunct personality type. Being a nerd once got you kicked in the pants; now it’s a group with proud members. While popular acceptance of this new-found anti-social behaviour has been somewhat slow, we are starting to witness the first waves of popularized anti-social behaviour, embracing this generally frowned upon group.
This new breed of proud introverted personalities wears their personality type on their sleeves, rather than feeling ashamed of themselves as was generally the case before. This week, Editor and Academy Strategist Armida Ascano breaks down her five favorite antisocial pride trends: something sure to add a little pep to your inner-geek’s step. From fine gold jewelry and fashionable clothing to quirky comic strips, these trends are bringing un-cool to the forefront of cool: watch out!
Anti-Social Pride
Armida Ascano Discusses Her Favorite Introverted Personality Type Products
Trend Themes
1. Rise of Anti-socialism - Opportunity to develop products or services that cater to the increasing number of introverted individuals seeking community and acceptance.
2. Wearing Personality on Sleeves - Potential for creating fashion lines and accessories that promote and celebrate introverted traits and behaviors.
3. Un-cool Becomes Cool - Chance to capitalize on the growing popularity of unconventional and niche interests by creating unique and innovative products.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion industry can tap into the market of introverted individuals by designing clothing that represents their personality and preferences.
2. Jewelry - Jewelry industry has the opportunity to create jewelry pieces that symbolize introverted personality traits.
3. Entertainment - Entertainment industry can cater to introverted individuals by producing content, such as comics and TV shows, that resonates with their interests and experiences.