Lit-Up Locatable Doorknobs

Peek Door Handle Takes the Guesswork of Nighttime Interior Navigation

If you haven't already mastered every pace and turn in your pitch black home during the night, the Peek Door Handle can potentially make your journey to the toilet a great deal less like an obstacle course. Karim Rashid collaborated with DND to produce a very simple adjustment to the typical doorknob design that makes all the difference to the user after dark.

Upon the metal lever-style handgrip, a small area has been designated for a fluorescent indicator. The light-absorbing pellets inside emit a green glow in an unlit room, guiding one's hand towards the top of the latch so he can easily release it and open it up. The Peek Door Handle is a remarkably simple solution to a common inconvenience.
Trend Themes
1. Locatable Doorknobs - Doorknobs with locatable features will make it easy for users to navigate in the dark.
2. Fluorescent Indicators - Fluorescent indicators that absorb light and emit a glow will be a trend for products in low-light environments.
3. Simple Solutions - The trend towards simple solutions for common problems will continue in product design.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Interior designers can integrate doorknobs with locatable features into their designs to provide added convenience to homeowners.
2. Home Improvement - Home improvement companies can incorporate fluorescent indicators into their products to help homeowners navigate in low-light conditions.
3. Medical Technology - Medical technology companies can use fluorescent indicators to make medical devices and equipment more visible in low-light environments like hospitals and clinics.

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