Castor Oil-Crafted Lamps

The Pastille Lamp Showcases a Unique Bioplastic and Design

Plastic is rarely considered when constructing a high-end lamp, but the Pastille lamp is a new offering from Industrial Facility that aims to showcase how beautiful plastics can be. The design of the lighting solution is fairly simple, but this minimalism is part of what makes the Pastille lamp so unique. The lamp only contains the bare essentials for operation and comes equipped with a single LED, a mirror, and a plastic diffuser. This simple construction ensures the lamp is incredibly energy efficient and aesthetically interesting.

While the design of the Pastille lamp is quite striking, the true appeal of the lamp lies in its unique construction. Made from a bioplastic derived from castor oil, the lamp manages to standout based on this principle alone. The bioplastic is further bolstered with glass fiber that makes the lamp heavier, sturdier, and gives a sense of refinement when held.
Trend Themes
1. Bioplastic Lighting - Opportunities for creating new lighting designs using bioplastics derived from sustainable sources.
2. Minimalist Lighting - Designing energy-efficient lighting solutions with a minimalistic aesthetic.
3. Sustainable Design - Incorporating sustainable materials into high-end design products.
Industry Implications
1. Lighting Industry - Incorporating sustainable, biodegradable materials into lighting solutions for home and commercial use.
2. Home Decor Industry - Creating minimalist lighting fixtures with unique designs that embody sustainable values.
3. Biodegradable Plastic Industry - Investing in research and development of bioplastics derived from renewable sources for use in high-end design products.

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