AI Research Coalitions

'Partnership on AI' Joins Five Tech Giants to Investigate the Ethics of AI

Partnership on AI is a collaboration between five of the most powerful organizations in the technology industry -- Amazon, Google (specifically DeepMind,) Facebook, IBM, and Microsoft -- to think intently about the direction that research into AI is heading.

Over the past few years, the capabilities of artificial intelligence have surpassed the point at which scientists ask "Can we do it?" and have reached the point at which society as a whole should begin to ask "Should we do it?" Heavy ethical questions like this are difficult to tackle as far as AI is concerned, and the Partnership on AI recognizes that those existential questions will become ever more pressing as AI technology continues to advance.

The partnership is in place to establish a set of best practices among the largest tech companies in the world, a set of practices that these companies hope others will choose to follow.
Trend Themes
1. Ethics of AI - Exploring the ethical implications of artificial intelligence and establishing best practices.
2. Collaborative Research - Tech giants collaborating to research and shape the future of AI.
3. AI Governance - Establishing frameworks and guidelines for the responsible development and use of AI.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Tech companies leading discussions on AI ethics and governance.
2. Artificial Intelligence - Advancing AI technology raises complex ethical questions.
3. Research and Development - Exploring the intersection of AI and ethics to shape the future of technology.

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