Paris Hilton has not dropped out of the race for President of the United States. What would be her handle on national polls? Would her early voting campaign be anything like the ones Obama did? While we don't have the answer, we do know that Paris Hilton just released her latest hot video.
Paris is seen cavorting on a stage with a backdrop of a huge flag. She looks sexy in a bikini, behind a presidential podium. Paris Hilton for President has done it again. It’s a fantastic parody of the presidential election.
She promises you can ride in the motorcade in her "hybrid, pink, Es-ca-lade!" Paris Hilton pushes aside the old dude calling him a cliche. ‘Paris for President’ actually reveals some talent from the person who was famous for being famous. Paris Hilton also refers to herself as the "real maverick."
Heiresses for President (Part 3)
Paris Hilton: The “Real Maverick”
Trend Themes
1. Celebrity Political Satire - Creating satirical political content featuring celebrities can generate viral attention.
2. Pop-culture Fueled Politics - Incorporating pop-culture elements while running for office can appeal to younger, non-traditional voters.
3. Brand Politics - Creating a strong personal brand, like Paris Hilton, can help politicians stand out from the crowd.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can create and distribute political satire content, which can enhance their viewership and social media traction.
2. Political Campaigns - Political campaigns can incorporate pop-culture elements in their campaigns and online presence to reach younger voters.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Political campaigns can leverage branding tactics that are traditionally used in marketing and advertising to create a strong personal brand.