Origami Warfare

Paper Wars Exhibit

Guns in various non-gun forms have long been popular trends, but there is something about this project I really like, a lot.

The exhibition - called Paper Wars - is in London and was organised by Postler Ferguson. The concept is that is "an exhibition of the Death Machines series of paper reproductions of classic weapons systems at Portobello Road's Craze Gallery."

It brings together paper kits from which you make guns, including the paper AK47 kit which was featured on Trend Hunter yonks ago (of course) and which can be bought for under £20 from magmabooks. It was published by Die Gestalten Verlag in 2007.

I thinks it looks pretty interesting, but it may be over egging the pudding. If you are passing Islington in London, it may be worth a look.

Trend Themes
1. Paper Weaponry - The rise of paper weaponry as art installations and collectibles presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation through the creation of sustainable, eco-friendly materials for these products.
2. Unconventional Firearms - There is a growing trend towards creating non-traditional firearms, such as those made from paper, that presents an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the weapon manufacturing industry.
3. Interactive Weaponry Exhibits - The paper wars exhibit demonstrates a trend towards creating interactive exhibits to engage audiences, providing an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the museum and entertainment industries.
Industry Implications
1. Weapon Manufacturing - The development of unconventional firearm technologies, such as paper weaponry, presents an opportunity for the weapon manufacturing industry to create more eco-friendly and sustainable products.
2. Art - The emergence of paper weaponry as an art form opens up opportunities for disruptive innovation in the art industry, including the development of eco-friendly and sustainable materials for these products.
3. Museums and Entertainment - Interactive exhibits, such as the paper wars exhibit, are a growing trend in the museum and entertainment industries, presenting opportunities for disruptive innovation in the creation of engaging exhibits using unconventional materials and technologies.

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