Illustrated Iconic Cities

The Owen Gatley Map Series is Beautifully Detailed

Adorably detailed, the Owen Gatley Map Series provides a chic guide to one's favorite cities. The drawings were crafted by UK illustrator Owen Gatley, who is currently living in Berlin and producing phenomenal freelance work. This series of maps is Gatley's most recently published work, and it was created for the publication Ideas Illustrated's 'Luck' Issue. The magazine's pages were filled with the beautiful illustrations of New York, London and Paris.

Each of the maps capture the varying spirits of the city, from the pastel and italicized script of Paris to the edgier grit of New York. The maps illustrate the very best of the cities, highlighting architecture and cultural landmarks. But, they also integrate pop cultural references. For example, the map of London shows the infamous Baker St. home to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes.

The somewhat insightful but mostly playful series is a great way to imagine these iconic cities.
Trend Themes
1. Illustrated City Maps - Opportunity for artists and illustrators to create detailed and visually appealing maps of famous cities.
2. Pop Cultural References - Opportunity for incorporating pop culture landmarks and references in city maps and illustrations.
3. Chic City Guides - Opportunity to design stylish and aesthetically pleasing city guides showcasing important landmarks and cultural aspects.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Illustration - Disruptive innovation opportunity for artists and illustrators to create unique and visually appealing maps.
2. Publishing - Opportunity for publications to create visually stunning city guides to appeal to a wide audience.
3. Tourism and Travel - Opportunity to provide tourists with unique and stylish city maps that showcase both popular landmarks and hidden gems.

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