Conversational Bluetooth Earbuds

The Orfeo Voice Headphones Will Be Unveiled at CES 2016

Orfeo Voice is a Bluetooth earphone that addresses the fact that it is extremely difficult to have a normal conversation in a loud environment. Typically, the use of monotype Bluetooth earphones is impossible when passing by construction sites, trade shows or even a loud intersection.

In order to improve upon the failings of other devices, the Orfeo Voice Bluetooth headphones are loaded with features like InnerMic Technology to block out interfering sounds, VoiceRecovery to make voices sound natural and SountThru, which makes it possible for users to hear oncoming traffic and bicyclists while these earphones are in use. In addition to these technologies, the headphones also feature an Accudio Simulation Mode and Loudspeaker, which further enhance the listening experience.

As a CES 2016 Innovation Awards Honoree, Orfeo SoundWorks will be exhibiting its innovative communication solutions in Las Vegas.
Trend Themes
1. Conversational Bluetooth Earbuds - Orfeo Voice Bluetooth headphones address the difficulty of having a conversation in a loud environment, creating opportunities for improved communication in noisy settings.
2. Innermic Technology - Incorporating InnerMic Technology into Bluetooth earphones eliminates interfering sounds, opening up possibilities for clearer and more focused audio experiences.
3. Voicerecovery - The VoiceRecovery feature in Orfeo Voice headphones enhances voices to sound natural, presenting opportunities for improved speech clarity in communication devices.
Industry Implications
1. Audio Technology - The audio technology industry can benefit from the disruptive innovation opportunities presented by conversational Bluetooth earbuds like Orfeo Voice, improving the way people communicate in various environments.
2. Construction - The construction industry can leverage InnerMic Technology in Bluetooth earbuds to reduce noise distraction and increase communication efficiency on busy worksites.
3. Personal Safety - The personal safety industry can explore integrating SountThru technology from Orfeo Voice headphones to enhance awareness of surrounding sounds and improve situational awareness.

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