Dessert-Flavored Convenience Coffees

The 7-Eleven Oreo Mint Hot Chocolate is Seasonally Tasty

Seasonal products hold a very strong place in the minds of many consumers who correlate the month to certain kinds of food products, so brands are responding with new options like the 7-Eleven Oreo Mint Hot Chocolate.

Positioned as a dessert-inspired coffee, the drink is made with real Oreo mint flavors and will be offered in addition to Milk Oreo Mint Chocolate Candy Bars along with Oreo Mint Creme Cookies. These will be made available in a single-serve size that won't be available in any stores outside of 7-Eleven until 2018.

The 7-Eleven Oreo Mint Hot Chocolate is also being released in unison with the new Chocolate Cake Donut Made with Oreo, which is a chocolate donut topped with ample vanilla frosting and cookie crumble.
Trend Themes
1. Seasonal Food Products - Brands can capitalize on consumers' strong association of certain months with specific types of food products and release seasonal options.
2. Dessert-inspired Coffee - Creating coffee flavors that are inspired by desserts can attract consumers looking for unique and indulgent beverage options.
3. Limited Edition Offerings - Releasing limited edition products exclusively at specific retailers can create excitement and drive traffic to those stores.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Brands in the food and beverage industry can explore creating and promoting seasonal products with unique flavor profiles.
2. Coffee and Hot Beverage - Coffee and hot beverage establishments can introduce dessert-inspired coffee options to attract customers seeking new and indulgent flavors.
3. Convenience Store - Convenience stores can leverage limited edition offerings to increase foot traffic and sales by creating exclusive partnerships with popular brands.

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