Open-Sharing Offices

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LinkedIn Australia Open-Concept Layout Benefits Information Sharing

The LinkedIn offices located in Australia offer an open-concept layout designed to make the process of sharing information between co-workers and professionals both online and off-line as seamless as possible. The design focus further ties into the brand's mantra with work spaces that allow employees to meet the company's goals and needs through an open and modern style office.

The location offers a large space open space complete with limited walls to encourage the continual flow of information between workers as well as its customers. The office has a large-scale curved, wooden work desk to accommodate a large number of people to work collectively on projects that curves through the majority of the office. The workspace also offers analogue and digital presentation tools as well as a functional lounge area and client call centre.
Trend Themes
1. Open-concept Offices - Companies can adopt an open-concept office design to facilitate information sharing and enhance collaboration among employees.
2. Collaborative Workspaces - Providing analogue and digital presentation tools and creating a functional lounge area can promote collaboration and teamwork in the office.
3. Innovative Office Furniture - Investing in large-scale curved furniture designs can create a unique and comfortable workspace while improving collaboration among team members.
Industry Implications
1. Office Furniture Industry - There is an opportunity for office furniture manufacturers to design and produce innovative and collaborative workspace furniture that supports modern work styles.
2. Real Estate Industry - Real estate developers can create workspaces with flexible layouts and open designs that meet the demands of modern, collaborative work environments.
3. Technology Industry - Companies can develop digital presentation tools and technologies that support productive collaboration in open-concept workspaces and help employees share information more seamlessly.

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