Influencer Management Tools

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Ogilvy Offers a Safety and Risk Management Tool for Marketing Brands

Ogilvy has introduced a comprehensive risk management solution called Influence Shield, designed to help brands navigate the increasingly complex world of social media and influencer marketing. This new offering is positioned as an end-to-end service, addressing the growing challenges brands face in maintaining safety and integrity across digital platforms.

Influence Shield's services are diverse and cover every aspect of influencer marketing, from initial risk assessments to crisis management. The solution integrates a holistic approach, utilizing Ogilvy’s proprietary technology to provide data-driven insights and enable brands to make informed decisions in an unpredictable environment.

"Risk is nothing new to businesses, but influencer marketing has become such a dominant force it represents the new frontier for brand reputation. Many businesses are finding out the hard way. Influence Shield gives brands the confidence to move forward, which means there’s even greater opportunity and innovation," said Toby Conlon, Global Head of Crisis and Risk, Ogilvy PR.
Trend Themes
1. Comprehensive Influencer Risk Management - Influence Shield's holistic risk management approach represents a notable shift toward integrating advanced technology with social media strategies.
2. Data-driven Decision Making in Marketing - By utilizing proprietary technology for data-driven insights, Influence Shield enhances the ability of brands to navigate influencer marketing with precision and confidence.
3. End-to-end Influencer Marketing Solutions - The introduction of an all-encompassing service like Influence Shield emphasizes the demand for complete and continuous support systems within influencer marketing.
Industry Implications
1. Public Relations - The adoption of tools like Influence Shield underscores the growing need for PR firms to incorporate sophisticated digital risk management into their offerings.
2. Digital Marketing - Digital marketing benefits from innovations such as comprehensive safety tools that allow for more secure and well-informed brand partnerships with influencers.
3. Technology Solutions - As marketing evolves, technology firms have an opportunity to create advanced tools that address the complexities of influencer risk and crisis management.

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