Buoyant Jellyfish Repellents

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The Ocean Guard Wards Off These Pesky Stingers in Swimming Areas

Jellyfish are responsible for a great many cases of harming humans every year, prompting the invention of contraptions like the Ocean Guard. This innovative drifting device is designed for placement around designated swimming spots offshore, ensuring that any encroachments of the deadly marine creature are almost entirely prevented.

The apparatus takes the form of a vertical pole surrounded by a lifesaver ring. This enables it to bob on the surface of the sea and remain visible from the beach, informing lifeguards and the public of its presence. Ultra low-frequency sound waves are emitted from the Ocean Guard that encourage jellyfish to stay away.

The concept was conceived by Bao Haimo, Kyung-Chan Han, Dong-Woo Kang, Kyung-Hong Kim, Jung-Hoon Yang, Kyung-Rok Kang and Minji Jeon and won them an IDSA Award.
Trend Themes
1. Buoyant Jellyfish Repellents - Developing new technology to prevent jellyfish stings in swimming areas.
2. Low-frequency Sound Waves - Incorporating ultra low-frequency sound wave technology in marine conservation efforts.
3. Marine Creature Deterrence - Creating new devices to ward off dangerous or harmful marine animals
Industry Implications
1. Travel and Tourism - Industries could look into incorporating the device to their beach resorts to provide a safer environment for swimmers.
2. Environmental Conservation - Organizations who seek to protect the oceans from harmful marine creatures may look into using new technologies like the Ocean Guard in their conservation efforts.
3. Water Recreation - Companies operating water-based recreation activities may consider using the device to prevent accidents and maintain customer safety.

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