Controversial Political Satire

Obama Waffles Evoke Sterotypes

The controversial Obama Waffles are the latest in a line of arguably racist items that poke fun at Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential candidate.

Created as political satire by two writers, Mark Whitlock and Bob DeMoss, Obama Waffles feature a host of negative sterotypes.

This includes having Obama in Arab-like headdress; having him with popping eyes and big, thick lips as the classic pancake-mix icon Aunt Jemima, and finally dressing Obama in stereotypical Mexican dress with a recipe for "Open Border Fiesta Waffles".

Selling for $9.99 a box, the Obama Waffles web site is currently offering a Sarah Palin Special promotion where you get 1 box for free when you buy 2.

Other controversial Obama items that have been featured on Trend Hunter Magazine include the TheSockObama sock monkey, the recent New Yorker cover, and a Japanese commercial that depicts Obama as a monkey.
Trend Themes
1. Political Satire Criticism - Develop a platform or tool that monitors questionable and controversial political satire instances to develop better censorship standards.
2. Anti-discrimination Products - Create products that promote anti-discrimination by mocking the stereotypes instead of using them to derive humor.
3. Social Media Watchdog - Establish a review board to monitor and preemptively censor social media and consumer products to ensure no stereotypes or negative cultural implications are portrayed.
Industry Implications
1. Media - Media outlets can diversify their content and develop in-house guidelines to avoid contributing to controversial stereotypes in news and entertainment.
2. Marketing - Marketers can diversify their product lines and conduct sensitivity audits to ensure products no longer perpetuate negative stereotypes of groups or individuals.
3. Social Movements - Create social movements, public protests, petitions and actively engaging individuals online and offline to voice frustrations and hold businesses accountable.

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