Illuminated Forest Captures

Nick Rochowski Photographs Wonderful Wooded Landscapes

Photographer Nick Rochowski has put together a beautiful series of photographs entitled The Liminal Points Project that features some stunning shots of wooded forests that have been lit up.

These fifteen photographs are supposed to be a form of disconnecting from the everyday and going back to the imagination of a child. Nick describes the forests where he grew up as a place where an extensive observation and exploration of landscape can be done.

This series is available as a book that has been released through Rokov Publishing and designed by Peter Koo.
Trend Themes
1. Illuminated Nature - Opportunity for eco-tourism companies to offer nighttime forest tours with illuminated features.
2. Imaginative Photography - Opportunity for camera companies to create new filters and lenses that enhance the surreal and imaginative quality of photography.
3. Childhood Nostalgia - Opportunity for toy companies to create forest-themed toys that encourage kids to explore nature
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Nick Rochowski's techniques could be applied by photography companies to create unique products.
2. Publishing - Opportunity for publishing companies to incorporate photography and artistic expression into their products.
3. Tourism - Opportunity for eco-tourism companies to offer nighttime forest tours with illuminated features.

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