Innovative Copper Chairs

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Max Lamb's Nanocrystalline Chairs Basically "Grow Themselves from Copper"

The Nanocrystalline Chairs by London-based designer Max Lamb are a very interesting concept. The creative developed a process where he could reuse "the very same wax" for multiple chair designs. Because of this, Lamb had to mold each chair one at a time. He coated the design with "a fine suspension of colloidal silver in alcohol" and submerged it in a 15% copper solution. The electro-deposition process occurs while the chair is in the tank—"nanocrystals grow and encapsulate the wax [mold] in a honeycomb pattern." In about a week's time, a nanocrystalline shell forms. This is where the structural integrity of the chair comes. Afterward, the wax gets melted, drained, and then reused. Max Lamb's Nanocrystalline Chairs are not only impressive in their creation process but are also a sight to behold.
Trend Themes
1. Nanocrystalline Furniture - Innovative use of nanocrystals in furniture design presents opportunities for sustainable production and unique aesthetic appeal both in commercial and personal settings.
2. Colloidal Solutions in Design - Exploring the potential of colloidal solutions in design offers a new range of materials that have unique qualities and function. This trend is disrupting the traditional ways of material selection.
3. Upcycling Materials - Designers innovating with repurposed materials that were once considered waste, like wax in this instance, showcase how waste can be reused creatively, sustainably and profitably.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - Incorporation of nanocrystalline technology and colloidal solutions in furniture manufacturing is revolutionizing the industry by creating unique designs that also reduce waste and environmental impact.
2. Fashion and Accessory Design - Incorporation of nanocrystals and colloidal solutions in fashion accessories designs presents opportunities for unique aesthetic appeal and cost-effective, eco-friendly manufacturing.
3. Jewelry Design - Adoption of nanocrystals and colloidal solutions in jewelry design offers new design opportunities for jewelry designers across the world and provides cost-effective, eco-friendly manufacturing techniques.

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