Myth: A Frozen Tale is an eight-minute short film and it's the first publicly released virtual reality short film of its kind from Disney Animation Studios. The VR short film is based on the immensely popular world of Frozen and it includes the voice of Evan Rachel Wood, who played Queen Iduna in Frozen 2.
As far as what viewers will see in Myth: A Frozen Tale, Disney’s Jeff Gibson describes: "Audiences can expect to start in the world of Frozen with a family of Arendelle as they settle in for a bedtime story about the elemental spirits. You’re then transported into the enchanted forest where this particular Myth unfolds around you." The world is described as being like a pop-up book and the experience combines elements of CG and hand-drawn animation.
VR Disney Films
Myth: A Frozen Tale is a First-of-Its-Kind Release from Disney Animation Studios
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Reality Films - Disney's release of the first-ever publicly released virtual reality short film presents opportunities for other studios to explore the use of virtual reality in storytelling.
2. Immersive Storytelling - The combination of CG and hand-drawn animation in Myth: A Frozen Tale showcases an opportunity for the entertainment industry to create more immersive and interactive storytelling experiences.
3. Voice Actor Integration in Virtual Reality - The use of Evan Rachel Wood's voice in Myth: A Frozen Tale demonstrates the potential for combining virtual reality with celebrity voice acting, with exciting opportunities for future cinema releases or voice-based products.
Industry Implications
1. Animation - The release of Myth: A Frozen Tale introduces opportunities for animation studios to venture into the production of virtual reality animation films for their audiences.
2. Virtual Reality - The VR technologies used in the production of Myth: A Frozen Tale demonstrate the potential of virtual reality in the entertainment industry and its potential to transform the way audiences experience content.
3. Celebrity Voicing - Future integration of celebrity voices with virtual reality technology may present new business opportunities and unique products for various industries like animated movies, gaming, and more.