Traveler-Targeted Playlists

Sony and Eurostar Curated Lists of Mood-Altering Music for Passengers

To promote its new noise-canceling headphones, Sony teamed up with Eurostar to create a curated selection of music for passengers.

For the project, the partnering brands worked closely with an expert in the psychology of music, Dr Alexandra Lamont from Keele University, to create playlists that provide more than just something nice to listen to. Playlists like 'Getting job done' and 'Psyching up for a long day' were specifically developed with tracks to help passengers either get focused for a day of work, or unwind following a long day. The 'Sony Sound Menu' also includes a playlist called 'Being in the moment' that promotes a sense of harmony with gently rhythms and soothing sounds of nature.

The Sony Sound Menu promoting the wireless, noise-canceling 1000X headphones will be available for passengers on select Eurostar trains for a limited time this spring.
Trend Themes
1. Traveler-targeted Playlists - Companies can collaborate with music experts to create targeted playlists that match the mood of the consumers, promoting a sense of harmony and generating brand awareness.
2. Wireless Noise-canceling Headphones - Companies can take advantage of the benefits of wireless noise-canceling headphone technology to advertise related products.
3. Psychology of Music - Psychology experts and companies can collaborate to study the impact of music on emotions, behavior, and cognition and create effective marketing strategies.
Industry Implications
1. Music Streaming Services - Music streaming services can collaborate with companies to curate mood-altering playlists based on consumer's daily routines, and activities, with opportunities for subscription and ad-based revenue.
2. Transportation and Travel - Travel service providers can collaborate with companies to provide passengers with a range of specialized services, such as noise-canceling headphones and targeted playlists, to create a pleasurable and productive travel experience.
3. Consumer Electronics - Consumer electronic providers can collaborate with music experts to create headphones equipped with noise-canceling technology and develop playlists that maximize the benefits of noise-cancellation with opportunities for cross-selling and innovative product development.

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