Adorable Alcohol Sippers

The 'Mr. and Mrs Cocktail Glass Set' is Made for Romantic Evenings

For the guys who are having trouble finding a proper couples gift for you and the missus, the Mr. and Mrs Cocktail Glass Set will speak to your alcoholic personality and her romantic one.

While I'm sure flowers, a walk down the beach is lovely, I don't see why the Mr. and Mrs Cocktail Glass can't have a couple enjoy a nice liquored up drink; after all, it can be made more romantic sitting by the fireplace. These are highball glasses, so it's best reserved for cocktails, bourbon, scotch or any other hard beverage. The set of two features two graphics that speaks to each couple. For the man, it's an epic mustache and for the lady, it's a sultry lip.

What could be more romantic than drinking hard liquor in this cocktail glass together?
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Couples Gifts - There is a demand for unique and personalized gifts for couples.
2. Romantic Drinkware - There is a trend toward drinkware that adds a romantic element to drinking experiences.
3. Alcohol Related Gifts - There is a trend toward giving alcohol-related gifts for special occasions.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Hotels and restaurants could create special packages that include personalized drinkware for couples.
2. E-commerce - There is an opportunity for e-commerce businesses to sell unique, personalized drinkware for couples.
3. Retail - Specialty retail stores could feature a section focusing on alcohol-related gifts and personalized drinkware for couples.

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