Motion-Powered Songs

Clif Bar and Grammy-Nominated Musician Mike Posner to Drop a New Song

Clif Bar and Grammy-nominated musician Mike Posner recently joined forces to launch a new song that only plays while you move. The new unique song, 'Amor Fait' with a custom 'Remix in Motion' listening experience, works through cutting-edge technology that leverages the accelerometer on your phone. The more an individuation mores, the more unique song remixes they can access.

The new initiative is part of Clif Bar's 'Let's Move the World' campaign and is the second collaboration between the brand and Posner. In May, Posner claimed Mount Everest to raise funds for the nonprofit law firm, the Detroit Justice Center. The latest collaboration will also donate money to the organization and was "designed to inspire people and demonstrate how individual movement can fuel global movements that make a meaningful impact."
Trend Themes
1. Motion-powered Music - Cutting-edge technology that leverages phone accelerometers to create unique music experiences based on movement presents opportunities for music streaming services to differentiate themselves.
2. Marketing with Purpose - Aligning with social and environmental causes can be an opportunity for brands to not only promote themselves but also have a positive impact, attracting consumers who prioritize values in brand selection.
3. Collaboration Marketing - Collaborating with artists and creators to produce unique content can drive brand awareness and engagement through shared fan bases and mutual promotion.
Industry Implications
1. Music Streaming - Technology that creates unique music experiences based on movement can provide differentiation opportunity for music streaming services.
2. Food & Beverage - Cause marketing provides companies an opportunity to promote their brand while contributing to a positive impact, attracting consumers who prioritize brand values in their selection.
3. Nonprofit - Collaborating with for-profit companies can help nonprofit organizations raise more funds and awareness by leveraging the strengths, networks, and audiences of brands and artists.

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