Luxurious Laborer Couture

The Moschino Spring/Summer Collection is Full of Heavy Labor Influences

Jeremy Scott brought fun and hard labor to Milan with the release of the Moschino Spring/Summer '16 collection. This luxury line is one of the most kookiest collections by the Italian label.

The Moschino brand has always been about promoting fun fashion. Every season is built around a strong theme that is clearly expressed through punny accessories and extravagant design. The Moschino Spring/Summer '16 collection is construction and car wash-themed with toolbox bags, Chanel-style skirts with reflective tape, party dresses with Chevy-inspired taillights and endless garments with warning sign motifs. The headwear pieces within this collection range from outlandish pylon hats to Moschino branded hard hats.

The Moschino girl may have never worked in the field of construction but it's clear she works extremely hard on her personal style.
Trend Themes
1. Construction-themed Fashion - Opportunity for fashion brands to explore unconventional themes and increase customer engagement with playful, unique designs.
2. Luxury Workwear - Emerging market for high-end workwear fashion, disrupting traditional notions of what's fashionable and appropriate in the workplace.
3. Functional Accessories - Growing demand for accessories that serve a practical purpose, presenting an opportunity for fashion brands to add unique, functional elements to their designs.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Opportunities for fashion brands to explore unconventional themes and disrupt traditional notions of fashion, presenting new and innovative designs to customers.
2. Workwear - Emerging market for luxury workwear fashion, presenting opportunities for brands to create stylish, functional garments that bridge the gap between fashion and utility.
3. Accessories - Opportunities for accessory brands to create unique items that not only add a decorative element, but serve a practical purpose as well, providing additional value to customers.

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