Connected Cold Plunge Pools

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The Monk Smart Ice Bath Has a Large Capacity with Intelligent Modes

The Monk Smart Ice Bath is an ultra-advanced take on the humble cold plunge tub that's engineered with a series of advanced features in mind to help maximize the efficiency of every use.

The tub is characterized by its sleek construction that gives it a futuristic look and feel from afar, and can be used in a variety of personalized plunge programs. These work with guided audio tracks, breath work routines and soundscapes to help users get the most out of every session.

The Monk Smart Ice Bath is large enough for persons over six-feet in height and has a low-energy profile to ensure it won't cost too much to run. Priced at $8,495, the unit only needs to have the water refreshed every three months and will automatically clean itself.
Trend Themes
1. Intelligent Health Monitoring - Advanced cold plunge pools with AI-driven health monitoring facilitate personalized wellness insights.
2. Energy-efficient Wellness Products - Low-energy profile features in wellness equipment offer sustainable and cost-effective solutions.
3. Personalized Recovery Programs - Guided audio tracks and breath work routines in cold plunge pools create customized recovery experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Healthtech - Integration of intelligent systems in health tech enhances personalized health tracking and support.
2. Green Technology - The adoption of energy-efficient designs in wellness products contributes to the growth of sustainable technology.
3. Sports Recovery - Innovative recovery tools like smart cold plunge pools are transforming the sports recovery industry.

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