Festive Mint-Flavored Milks

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TruMoo's 1% Lowfat Mint Vanilla Milk is Protein-Enriched

TruMoo's 1% Lowfat Mint Vanilla Milk is a nourishing and tasty beverage that's available just in time for the upcoming holiday season.

The Mint vanilla milk boasts a festive green color and boasts 8 grams of protein per serving. Additionally, the dairy drink features 30% calcium and 25% vitamin d, with ingredients that are non-GMO and sourced from local dairy farms.

TruMoo's flavored milk products are made with no artificial flavors like high-fructose corn syrup and speak to growing consumer desires for healthier and more sustainably sourced dairy products. This festive flavored milk is ideal for holiday festivities and can also be used to elevate everyday baking recipes. Appealing to consumers of all ages, the milk is available in 1/2 gallon jugs.
Trend Themes
1. Mint-flavored Dairy Products - The growing demand for healthier and sustainably-sourced dairy products presents an opportunity for dairy companies to innovate and introduce new products like TruMoo's Mint Vanilla Milk.
2. Holiday-themed Foods and Beverages - Festive and limited-edition food and beverage offerings during the holiday season could boost sales for companies and create excitement among consumers.
3. Protein-enriched Beverages - There is a trend towards high protein diets, and protein-fortified beverages like TruMoo's Mint Vanilla Milk can appeal to health-conscious consumers seeking more protein-rich options.
Industry Implications
1. Dairy Industry - The dairy industry can capitalize on the growing demand for healthier and sustainably-sourced dairy products by introducing new flavored and protein-enriched dairy offerings.
2. Food and Beverage Industry - The holiday season presents an opportunity for food and beverage companies to introduce festive and limited-edition offerings that can generate buzz and drive sales.
3. Health and Wellness Industry - Protein-fortified beverages like TruMoo's Mint Vanilla Milk can appeal to health-conscious consumers seeking more protein-rich options, presenting an opportunity for companies in the health and wellness industry to introduce new products.

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