When you use something as often as a metropass, it becomes a mundane item that you never really look twice at, but the METRO AR-T app lets people look at the card in a new light.
Making use of augmented reality, the app shows off art and design by creatives like art directors and developers digitally. Although there have been initiatives in the past to turn physical metro cards into art, the METRO AR-T app lets creativity fly free without having to make any changes to the way the cards are printed or distributed within New York City. To get involved in the project, artists are invited to join the project, submitting their artwork, a biography and the subway line that they frequent the most, so that the art-filled app can be launched in September.
Artful Metropass Apps
The NYC METRO AR-T App Turns the Commuter Card into a Canvas
Trend Themes
1. Augmented Reality - The METRO AR-T app showcases the potential for augmented reality to transform mundane objects into interactive and visually appealing experiences.
2. Art Integration - The integration of art and design into everyday items like metropass cards opens up opportunities for artistic expression and creativity.
3. Digital Exhibition - The METRO AR-T app provides a platform for artists to digitally exhibit their work, expanding the reach and accessibility of their art.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - The METRO AR-T app presents an opportunity for transportation companies to enhance the commuter experience by incorporating augmented reality and art into their ticketing systems.
2. Art and Design - Artists and designers can leverage the METRO AR-T app to showcase their creative work and gain exposure to a wider audience.
3. Technology - The development and implementation of augmented reality apps like METRO AR-T highlight the potential for technological advancements in the art and entertainment industry.