Gaming Coaching Initiatives

Metafy Acquired GamerzClass to Launch Coaching Program for Gamers

'Metafy,' the Pittsburgh-based online coaching platform for gamers, recently announced the acquisition of 'GamerzClass,' a European center for learning gaming strategies. Metafy will leverage its own expertise combined with the wide database and wide list of connections that GamerzClass has in order to bolster its gaming coaching programs going forward. On top of this, Metafy recently secured $25 million USD in a Series A round of funding, as its coaching program shows promise.

When using Metafy's services, individuals can sign up for a variety of different packages. These packages range from simple written notes from pro players on how to improve at a certain game, all the way up to private, one-on-one coaching sessions with credible gaming professionals. One aspect that the GamerzClass acquisition will allow Metafy to focus more on is self-driven learning, which is a much more feasible model for expansion and scalability than personal sessions.
Trend Themes
1. Gaming Coaching Programs - Metafy has acquired GamerzClass to expand its gaming coaching programs and offers packages ranging from written notes to one-on-one private coaching sessions.
2. Self-driven Learning - The acquisition of GamerzClass will allow Metafy to focus more on self-driven learning which is a highly scalable model of gaming coaching.
3. Online Coaching Platforms - Metafy's recent $25 million USD funding shows the promise and potential of online coaching platforms for gamers.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - The gaming industry can benefit from using online coaching platforms and self-driven learning to improve players' skills and experiences.
2. Education - The education industry can incorporate gaming strategies into their curricula and use online coaching platforms to teach gaming skills.
3. Technology - The technology industry can develop and improve online coaching platforms and software for gaming coaching programs for scalability and user experience.

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