Merited Chocolate Packaging

The Merit Chocolate Badges Make Sure You've Earned Your Treat

The Merit Chocolate Badges by One Long House ensure that you're deserving of a sweet before you dig in.

They say that good things come to those who wait, but even better things come to those who do! This interactive packaging design employs a merit-based system, inspired by Boy Scouts, where each treat is coupled with a duty you must complete before you eat. It is only once you've concluded the task that you've officially "earned" your delicious snack! One such task, for example, is to rise with the sun. It reads, "Get up, get out, and watch the sun come up...and don't complain. CRACK OF DAWN." If you manage to get out of bed in time, you can enjoy a caffeine-infused morsel.

The wooden box contains eight pieces that you need to earn, and one freebie bite.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Packaging - Using interactive packaging to incorporate a merit-based system can increase customer engagement.
2. Outcome-based Marketing - Employing an outcome-based marketing strategy can incentivize customers to purchase and complete tasks for a reward.
3. Gamification - Gamifying products and packaging can create a unique and memorable customer experience.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Interactive packaging designs can be utilized in the food and beverage industry to increase customer engagement and loyalty.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Outcome-based marketing strategies can be utilized by marketing and advertising agencies to incentivize customer actions and boost brand awareness.
3. Packaging - Gamification opportunities within the packaging industry can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

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