Computer Cursor Jewelry

Melle Hamer's Cursor Pin Points You in the Direction of Style

This clever computer brooch will be the perfect garnish for any geek!

Melle Hamer's cursor pin is a clever and humorous piece that any trendy techie will definitely click with. The piece features enamel on silver coating, and is an exact replica of the computer cursors found on Mac screens. Hamer realized that this simple icon was too good to not bring to life, and so he created a tangible jewelry version of it. This perfect pointer piece comes in a luxurious ring box; it's a gift any geek would swoon over.

Now you can wear the useful icon and use it to emphasize favorite parts of your outfit! Point the cursor towards a logo on your sweater and make your cardigan clickable.

Never doubt Melle Hamer's cursor pin; it will always point your outfit in the right direction!
Trend Themes
1. Jewelry for Geeks - There is an opportunity to create a line of jewelry specifically designed to appeal to the geek community.
2. Tech-inspired Accessories - There is an opportunity to create accessories that feature computer icons or other tech-inspired designs.
3. Humorous Fashion Accents - There is an opportunity to create fashion accessories that feature clever and humorous design elements.
Industry Implications
1. Jewelry Manufacturing - Jewelry manufacturers could explore designing and producing lines of jewelry that are targeted towards niche markets.
2. Fashion Designers - Fashion designers could experiment with incorporating tech-inspired designs into accessories and clothing.
3. Giftware and Novelty Items - Manufacturers of novelty items could explore creating humorous or unique items that appeal to niche markets.

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