Amputations via SMS

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Doctor Gets Instructions for Surgery in a Text Message

Sometimes we all need to phone a friend. A British surgeon in the Congo did just this when he needed to remove a gangrenous collarbone and shoulder blade from a teenager. This perilous amputation is only done a handful of times each year in the UK, so David Knott texted his colleague Meirion Thomas for assistance. The doctor at home texted him the entire procedure and signed off with a cheery, “Easy! Good luck.”

Implications - Technological advancements are becoming a necessary part of any business. The latest innovations in technological practices should be incorporated by companies into their products, advertising techniques, and branding strategies in order to appeal to the modern consumer.
Trend Themes
1. Remote Surgical Procedures - The increasing use of technology in surgical procedures opens up disruptive innovation opportunities for remote medical consultations and surgeries.
2. Telemedicine - Telemedicine platforms, such as SMS and video conferencing, are creating new opportunities to connect with medical professionals in rural and remote areas.
3. Mobile Healthcare Training - Mobile devices and SMS-based training programs can be used to provide healthcare professionals with ongoing training and support, regardless of their location.
Industry Implications
1. Healthtech - The health technology industry offers potential for companies to revolutionize medical practices, such as remote medical consultations and training programs via mobile devices.
2. Telecommunications - Telecommunications companies can provide the necessary infrastructure for telemedicine platforms, connecting patients and healthcare professionals across remote locations.
3. Education - Educational institutions can create mobile training and support tools for healthcare professionals, helping them to better serve rural and remote communities.

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