Brutally Honest Postcards

'Mean Mail' Delivers Harsh, Tongue-in-Cheek Messages

Ahead of Valentine's Day, caring boyfriends, girlfriends, and spouses are looking for the perfect, sincere postcard to send to their significant others, and the rest of us will be overjoyed to find a company like 'Mean Mail'. The cheeky UK card company offers simple, minimalist designs with brutally honest messages.

Mean Mail's cards are an exercise in contrast. One the one hand, they're printed on supple card stock in pleasing pastel colors, and the font is a classy sans serif that's all the rage in the typography world. However, reading those fonts is when the cutesy facade falls apart. Messages run the gamut of life events, from "I think I prefer your old place." as a moving in present to "It's always about you." as a harsh birthday card.
Trend Themes
1. Honest Messaging - Opportunities for companies to embrace brutally honest messaging in their products and services.
2. Minimalist Design - The rise of minimalist design in various industries, allowing for clean and simple aesthetics.
3. Contrasting Elements - Incorporating contrasting elements in products and services to create a unique and unexpected experience.
Industry Implications
1. Greeting Card Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunities for the greeting card industry to offer more honest and unconventional designs.
2. Typography Industry - The typography industry can explore the use of modern, sans serif fonts for delivering bold and honest messages.
3. Gift Industry - Providing a new range of gifts that incorporate contrasting elements of both positivity and honesty.

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