Palatable Pixelated Portraits

These Matt McManis Skittles Illustrations Feed Your Inner Gamer

Super Mario finds himself in his original pixelated form in these playful Matt McManis Skittles illustrations. Depicting the overalls-wearing Italian video game character and Pac-Man, these delectable candy designs culminate as a merging of the gamer, the glutton and the creative.

With limitless media for art-making, these Matt McManis Skittles illustrations mark one of the present generation's movements towards lowbrow pop art with an expiration date. Yum!
Trend Themes
1. Lowbrow Pop Art - Opportunities exist for artists and designers to explore using lowbrow pop art styles in their work.
2. Pixel Art - Pixel art is rising in popularity as a nostalgic art form connecting with the gaming industry.
3. Edible Design - Designers can explore the intersection of graphics and food by creating edible designs.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - Developers and artists in the gaming industry can incorporate pixel art styles to create unique and nostalgic gaming experiences.
2. Food and Beverage - Businesses in the food and beverage industry can explore creating new and innovative edible designs to appeal to customers.
3. Art and Design - Artists and designers can create unique pieces using pixel art and lowbrow pop art styles, potentially disrupting traditional forms of art.

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