Eco Catastrophe Tapestries

Mary Edna Fraser's Batiks Capture Breathtaking Natural Disasters

Thanks to Google Earth and environmental advocates, the human race is becoming more and more aware of our planet and this awareness is even inspiring artists such as Mary Edna Fraser to create works that promote it even more. Through the ancient and traditional South Asian textile-based art form known as batik, she has taken images environmental degradation and turned them into stunning tapestry designs.

As an artist and naturalist, Mary Edna Fraser has found a way to combine her two passions into one strong message. Not only does she create each piece herself by flattening the photographs into near-abstract visual patterns onto silk fabrics, she also takes the photos themselves from her grandfather's vintage 1946 Europe plane with either her father or brother piloting it.

Through her breathtaking art, Mary Edna Fraser depicts the harsh reality of natural disasters.
Trend Themes
1. Environmental Artwork - Creating art that showcases environmental problems to promote awareness and action.
2. Batik Tapestry Design - Using batik, a South Asian textile-based art form, to create visually compelling tapestries that depict natural disasters and environmental degradation.
3. Aerial Photography for Artistic Purposes - Taking advantage of aerial photography to create unique and visually captivating artwork.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - Artists and designers can explore the use of unconventional materials and techniques to create works that send powerful messages.
2. Textile Manufacturing - Manufacturers can experiment with traditional textile techniques, such as batik, to create unique and visually stunning tapestries.
3. Aerial Photography and Drones - Companies can offer aerial photography and drone services to artists and designers looking to capture unique perspectives for their artwork.

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