While Mark and Estel’s Spring/Summer 2014 collection centered around the "New World," the Mark and Estel Fall 2014 collection takes a step back into the "Old World." The looks blend masculine elements into the womenswear garments, which can be seen in militaristic detailing on coat dresses and on one really interesting torso plate that featured a leather-like set of abs.
A second leathery torso piece popped up later in the runway show, this time extending up and over the model’s shoulders, creating a wing-like effect. However, masculinity didn’t totally dominate the show — gaps in between hemlines revealed peeks of skin and tipped over hats created a mysteriously feminine allure. One model bore a striking resemblance to Carmen Sandiego, with her wide-brimmed hat and signature red, adding to the mystery of it all.
Body-Augmenting Womenswear
The Mark and Estel Fall 2014 Fashions Play with Masculine Elements
Trend Themes
1. Masculine Elements in Women's Fashion - Integrating traditionally masculine design features into women's clothing offers a disruptive innovation opportunity in the fashion industry.
2. Militaristic Detailing in Womenswear - Incorporating military-inspired details into women's garments presents a disruptive innovation opportunity in the fashion industry.
3. Feminine Mysteriously Allure - Creating mysteriously feminine allure by combining masculine and feminine elements in fashion opens up disruptive innovation opportunities in the industry.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can explore disruptive innovation opportunities by incorporating masculine elements and militaristic details into women's clothing.
2. Design - The design industry has an opportunity to disrupt traditional gender norms by creating garments that blend masculine and feminine elements.
3. Retail - The retail industry can capitalize on the trend of blending masculinity and femininity in fashion by offering a range of clothing options that cater to diverse customer preferences.