Specializing in desolate, post-cataclysmic scenes, photographer Marc da Cuhna Lopes has realized yet another one of his bizarre visions in this unique photo series.
A French photographer who began by selling illustrations to science-fiction and horror writers, da Cuhna Lopes found interest in anatomic themes and organic designs. This pedigree in studying natural bodies (in a slightly grotesque light, admittedly), has led to his newest photo series, Vertebrata. Each photo in the editorial is actually a collage of two separate stills: one was taken at grim locations the photographer stumbled upon during his travels and the other is a computer-generated image superimposed on top. Marc da Cuhna is blazing a trail in the growing sub-genre of dystopian photography, and other shutterbugs would do well to pay attention.
Ossified Domestic Photography
Marc da Cuhna Lopes Captures a Mirror World of Skeletons
Trend Themes
1. Dystopian Photography - Photographers can explore the sub-genre of dystopian photography to create unique and thought-provoking images.
2. Anatomic Themes - Exploring anatomic themes in photography can create visually striking and intriguing compositions.
3. Collage Photography - Combining two separate stills in a collage can result in visually captivating and imaginative photographs.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - The photography industry can embrace dystopian themes and collage techniques to offer new and unconventional visual experiences.
2. Art - Artists can incorporate anatomic themes and dystopian elements into their work to evoke strong emotions and provoke thought.
3. Graphic Design - Graphic designers can experiment with combining different visual elements to create innovative and visually captivating compositions.