Satanic Body Mods

One Man's Transformation Into A Devil

In one of the most bizarre example of plastic surgery and body modification, a man named Cain from Bogota, Colombia, wanted to look more evil to pay tribute to the name Cain.

Recently, updated pictures of Cain appeared, and as you can see, the result is EXTREME. I can imagine this extreme form of modification would be upsetting to some people, and feel that maybe is the precise effect he was after.

Extreme body modification features a wide range of alterations, including some that are illegal in parts of the US! Some people get horns implanted on their heads, while some install magnets in their hands, creating a "sixth sense" for feeling magnetic fields.

For me, selling your face to the devil is just far too extreme.
Trend Themes
1. Extreme Body Modifications - Providing a space for artists, collectors, and enthusiasts to create and embrace extreme forms of body modifications.
2. Underground Body Mod Clinics - The rise of underground body mod clinics creating unique experiences for individuals willing to showcase bizarre and illegal body modifications.
3. Biohacking - The advancement of mainstream biohacking that will put pressure on governments to legalize extreme forms of body modifications.
Industry Implications
1. Cosmetic Surgery - Pushing for more legal opportunities to create body modifications as a form of cosmetic surgery.
2. Tattoo and Piercing Industry - Exploring the potential of expanding and tapping into the underground body mod trend.
3. Media and Entertainment - Providing a platform to showcase body modifications as a form of art and entertainment.

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