Visual Makeup Diaries

Blogger Akilah Hughes Uses Her Makeup Wipes as a Way of Documenting Her Day

While makeup wipes may not seen like the most conventional artistic medium, blogger Akilah Hughes has managed to turn these common face wipes into a kind of visual makeup diary. The popular YouTube beauty blogger began the project after noticing that her makeup wipes seemed to provide a visual record of her day.

To complete the project, Hughes spent one week documenting her makeup-removal process. Each smudgy wipe served as a visual document of what Hughes did each day and the makeup she choose to wear. Some days depict the remnants of a new beauty tutorial video, while others reveal a long day at work. When asked about the meaning behind the project, Hughes describes the makeup wipes as "little portraits, reminding me of who I saw, what I did, and how I chose to face the world."
Trend Themes
1. Visual Makeup Diaries - Opportunity for artists and beauty bloggers to use unconventional mediums to create unique visual records of their day.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty and Cosmetics - Potential for beauty brands to collaborate with artists and bloggers to create limited edition makeup wipes with unique designs.

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