Collectible Advocacy Cards

Ad Council Created Virtual, Collectible 'Love Has No Labels' Cards

As a continuation of its 'Love Has No Labels' campaign, Ad Council is challenging PAX West attendees this year to collect virtual cards that feature real advocates for diversity reimagined as superheroes.

At the gaming convention, attendees will have the chance to play a geolocation game named 'The League of Extraordinary Humans,' which features activists, LGBTQ figures and more. Some of the real-world heroes that are featured as part of the game include transgender advocate Jazz Jennings and the Marley Diaz, 12-year-old maker of #1000BlackGirlBooks, aiming to create a safe and inclusive space for all gamers.

To play at PAX West, gamers will have the chance to interact with on-site beacons to unlock images of the heroes, as well as their origin stories.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Collectibles - Opportunity for businesses to create virtual collectibles that promote social causes or organizations.
2. Geolocation Games - Opportunity for businesses to develop geolocation games that feature real-world advocates and influencers as part of their marketing strategy or cause awareness campaign.
3. Advocacy Marketing - Opportunity for businesses to use advocacy marketing to promote their brand or social cause with the help of real-world advocates and influencers.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming Industry - Opportunity for the gaming industry to utilize advocacy and cause marketing tactics to reach and engage with their target demographic.
2. Nonprofit Industry - Opportunity for nonprofit organizations to leverage virtual collectibles and geolocation games to raise awareness and funds for their cause.
3. Advertising Industry - Opportunity for the advertising industry to incorporate advocacy marketing and virtual collectibles as part of their advertising strategies for their clients' social cause campaigns.

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