17th-Century Converted Hotels

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Post Company Designs the Locke de Santa Joana Interiors

Design studios Lázaro Rosa-Violàn and Post Company work together to design the modern touches of the Locke de Santa Joana. This is the latest to join the Locke Hotels and it is on the site of a convent in Lisbon. The convent building was first constructed in the 17th century and has been renovated over time. The new space is set across nine floors and it contains 370 units that are full of suites, apartments, and rooms, along with public spaces.

Post Company partner Jou-Yie Chou told Dezeen about the design process, stating "The hotel was originally a convent built in the 1600s – in designing the rooms, we wanted to marry this rich history with the contemporary culture of Lisbon." The rooms are adorned with minimal interior decor with a highlight mostly on the architectural features such as the archways and pillars. Chou continues, "We wanted to create a dialogue between the rooms' architectural 'bones' and their interiors."
Trend Themes
1. Historic-modern Fusion - The trend of merging historic architecture with contemporary design elements creates unique and culturally rich hotel experiences.
2. Adaptive Reuse of Heritage Sites - Transforming old buildings with historical significance into modern hospitality venues offers a blend of preservation and innovation.
3. Minimalist Architectural Decor - The focus on architectural features over ornate decor highlights the beauty of structural design in modern hospitality interiors.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - The hospitality industry is increasingly utilizing historic buildings to offer unique lodging experiences that combine history with modern amenities.
2. Interior Design - Interior design industries are exploring creative ways to integrate historical features into contemporary spaces, making them more appealing.
3. Real Estate Development - Real estate developers are leveraging the value of adaptive reuse projects to transform historic sites into profitable modern properties.

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