Humane Crustacean Killers

The CrustaStun Lobster Taser Looks Like a Photocopier

The CrustaStun is a lobster taser. Why, you might ask, would one need a lobster taser? Well, it is supposedly a more humane way of killing delicious lobsters. Now that I think about it, throwing them in a large pot of boiling water and then securing the lid is a bit harsh--but then again, so is eating them.

British-based Inform Design & Development created the photocopier-like CrustaStun lobster taser. Made of stainless steel, the lobster taser delivers about 110 volts of electricity to the crustacean that is placed within-anesthetizing and then killing it within 5 seconds (crabs take 10).
Trend Themes
1. Humane Crustacean Killing Methods - The trend towards more humane crustacean-killing methods for foodservice and dining industries provides new opportunities for disruptive innovation in seafood processing and packaging.
2. Alternatives to Boiling Method - The trend towards using alternatives to boiling such as crustacean tasers and other innovative methods creates opportunities for disruption in the seafood preparation industry.
3. Adoption of Electric Shock Technology - The adoption of electric shock technology for humane crustacean-killing expands beyond the food industry to include fishing and marine environments and offers opportunities for future innovation.
Industry Implications
1. Foodservice Industry - The foodservice industry can incorporate innovative methods of crustacean-killing as a competitive advantage in marketing, packaging, and distribution strategies.
2. Seafood Processing Industry - The seafood processing industry can invest in research and development to produce new tools that enable more humane crustacean-killing and respond to the rising demand for these products.
3. Fishing Industry - The fishing industry can explore how to adopt humane crustacean-killing technologies in a cost-effective way and potentially benefit from the reduction of waste during transportation and shipping.

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