If you are Facebook obsessed and own an Android phone, then you might want to consider building your own LikeBelt. The LikeBelt was designed by Deeplocal as a way to let you update your Facebook using a simple pelvic thrust.
The LikeBelt connects to your Android smartphone and uses Near Field Communication (NFC) to let you check into places, add friends and like things. The range of the LikeBelt is small, meaning that you need to be sure that the person your adding as a friend is a real good acquaintance.
Deeplocal's design seems to be nothing more than a design study at the moment, but the concept is interesting nonetheless. The design of the belt is open source, so you could build one if yourself if you really wanted to. Just make sure you ask strangers before trying to add them.
Social Media Belts
The LikeBelt Lets You Navigate Facebook Through Pelvic Thrusts
Trend Themes
1. Wearable Social Media - Developing wearable devices that enable social media interaction in a unique and interactive way could be a disruptive innovation in the wearables space.
2. Localized Social Media - Using Near Field Communication technology to create social media experiences that are limited to specific areas could create a niche market for social media enthusiasts.
3. DIY Social Media - Promoting design studies and making open-source wearables designs available could inspire creative DIY enthusiasts to develop a unique line of social media wearables.
Industry Implications
1. Wearable Technology - Creating unique social media wearable designs could disrupt the existing wearable technology industry.
2. Social Media - Social media companies could potentially benefit from partnering with wearable technology companies to develop unique social media experiences using wearables.
3. DIY - The DIY industry could benefit from promoting open-source designs and tools that inspire creativity and innovation for wearable technology enthusiasts.