Unusual Aphrodesiacs

Libido-Raising Foods Perfect for Valentine's Day Dinner

Just in time for Valentine’s Day: Time crunched and wanna make sure you’re rip-roarin’ ready to go? Just try noshing on.... a banana.

The B6 vitamins release those all-important sex hormones, and the potassium limbers up your muscles.

If the produce section’s not too appeeling, consider the tried and true aphrodisiacs, chocolate and oysters.

Chocolate rich in cacao (not your typical Hershey’s milk chocolate) releases the same neurotransmitters in your brain that cause those euphoric, "Hey I’m enjoying this!" feelings that come about during sex. And oysters, gross texture or not, have been proven to pump up testosterone and contain amino acids to push the release of all-important sex hormones.

Some other, less-obvious foods thought to be aphrodisiacs include mint, arugula, avocado, chili peppers, almonds, licorice, asparagus, truffles, pine nuts, and honey.

Just food for thought.
Trend Themes
1. Alternative Aphrodisiacs - There's an opportunity to explore unusual and less-obvious foods thought to be aphrodisiacs beyond chocolate and oysters.
2. Health and Wellness in Relationships - The use of food as a means to promote a healthy sex life opens up opportunities to explore the intersection of health and wellness with relationships.
3. Personalized Sexual Health - Personalizing the use of food and aphrodisiacs in sexual health can be an opportunity to help improve sexual experiences for individuals.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - There's an opportunity to explore new product development in the food and beverage industry by incorporating aphrodisiacs into their products.
2. Health and Wellness - The health and wellness industry can explore the potential use of aphrodisiacs and specialized diets to promote sexual health and wellness.
3. Sex and Relationships - The sex and relationships industry can explore the use of personalized food and diet plans to address specific sexual health needs and preferences of individuals.

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