Massive Weather Machines

Control When and Where Precipitation Occurs with Laser-Assisted Rainfall

Laser-assisted rainfall, however baffling an idea, is as simple as its name implies. We shoot lasers into the sky and, voila, rain begins to precipitate.

After the havoc and general malcontent sowed by Hurricane Irene, you might ask, "Who would want to have more rain?" Well, after suffering the worst drought in recorded history, the Texans might -- as would dozens of other equatorial, water-starved nations. By creating nitric acid particles in the air, water molecules begin to bind together until they reach the size of raindrops, at which point their mass forces them back to the earth. But laser-assisted rainfall isn't just about generating clouds: it can also prevent downpour. The often-destructive autumn monsoon season could be mitigated by this process, preventing flooding and reducing property damage.

Controlling the climate, however unnatural, would provide huge boons to human safety and economic development.
Trend Themes
1. Laser-assisted Rainfall - The innovative process of using lasers to control when and where precipitation occurs.
2. Drought Mitigation - Utilizing laser-assisted rainfall to combat water scarcity in equatorial regions and areas experiencing drought.
3. Climate Control - The potential to manipulate weather patterns to prevent destructive storms and mitigate property damage.
Industry Implications
1. Environmental Technology - The development and implementation of laser-assisted rainfall technology to address water scarcity and extreme weather events.
2. Agriculture - Utilizing laser-assisted rainfall to support agricultural activities in drought-affected regions, potentially increasing crop yields and food production.
3. Disaster Management - Using laser-assisted rainfall as a tool to prevent and mitigate the impact of natural disasters, such as floods caused by monsoon seasons.

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