Fashion, Art & Social Commentary
'Lamp Girls'
This is absolutely the best and most creative use of fashion and art to make a social statement I have seen of late. Marianne Maric, a french super talented recent art school graduate, is considering working as a photographer.. or stylist.. or designer: Well, she hasn't made up her mind just yet, but movie+design+body+architecture+fashion and the intricate relationship between them is one of her aims of life. I am just blown away by her Lamp Girls project that started as photographs and evolved into live art featured in the Paris “Under my skin†show.
Trend Themes
1. Art as Social Commentary - Artists can use their unique visual language to create thought-provoking pieces that critique and address societal issues.
2. Fashion as Medium - Fashion can be used as a platform to communicate personal and social messages, as shown by Marianne Maric's 'Lamp Girls' project.
3. Multidisciplinary Art - The combination of multiple disciplines, such as film, design, architecture, and fashion, can lead to innovative and impactful artwork.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - The fashion industry can leverage the power of their designs to create dialogue and awareness around social issues.
2. Art Industry - The art industry can encourage and showcase works that use a multidisciplinary approach to create unique and impactful social commentary.
3. Photography Industry - Photographers can experiment with new mediums and styles to create thought-provoking pieces that contribute to the continued evolution of art as a form of social commentary.