Nutty Plant-Based Frozen Treats

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KIND Frozen Bars Come in Four Flavors

KIND Frozen Bars are a delicious, plant-based treat from KIND Snacks created with summertime enjoyment in mind to provide consumers with a flavorful yet decidedly nutritious option to pick up. The frozen treats put dark chocolate and almonds in the spotlight, which are paired with creamy yet plant-based ice cream. These ingredients combine to provide an indulgent taste and texture experience, while the nutrient-dense nuts in the recipes will make them a satiating dessert.

KIND Frozen Bars come in four flavor options including Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Nut, Dark Chocolate Almond Sea Salt & Nut, Chocolate Cherry Almond & Nut and Mint Chocolate Almond Nut. The brand will be handing out free samples of the treats on July 21, 2024 at Domino Park in Brooklyn.
Trend Themes
1. Plant-based Indulgence - The rise of plant-based frozen treats that deliver indulgent flavors and creamy textures.
2. Nutrient-dense Desserts - Frozen desserts incorporating nutrient-rich ingredients like nuts to offer a healthier alternative.
3. Flavor Innovation - Creative combinations of flavors such as dark chocolate, almonds, and sea salt enhancing the appeal of frozen treats.
Industry Implications
1. Plant-based Foods - The expansion of plant-based foods into the frozen dessert sector reflects growing consumer demand for vegan indulgences.
2. Healthy Snacks - The push towards nutritious yet delicious snacks is redefining consumer expectations for desserts.
3. Flavor Enhancement - Brands are exploring novel flavor profiles to differentiate their products in the competitive frozen treats market.

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