Sleep-Deprived Virals

Kid Falls Asleep During Obama's Speech at Graduation

Despite having won the honor of getting the President to guest speak at their school graduation, a kid falls asleep during Obama's speech at the ceremony. Since the speech was recorded, the student can be seen behind the President, yawning and dozing off.

Considering the bombardment of final papers and exams right before grad, it is no surprise that this sleep-deprived kid falls asleep during Obama's speech; it's probably the only chance he got to sit still! If it weren't for the clapping involved, he could have very well slept through the entire ceremony.
Trend Themes
1. Sleep Deprivation - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop technologies or strategies to improve sleep quality and address the growing problem of sleep deprivation.
2. Attention Span - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create engaging and interactive content or tools to help people improve their attention span and stay focused.
3. Digital Detox - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Offer products or services that encourage people to disconnect from their digital devices and prioritize quality sleep.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Combine technology and wellness practices to address the issue of sleep deprivation and promote better sleep habits.
2. Education - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate mindfulness and attention training into educational programs to enhance students' ability to concentrate and stay engaged.
3. Entertainment and Media - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop immersive and captivating entertainment experiences that can compete with digital distractions and encourage digital detox.

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